Dear Readers,

I’m happy to reconnect with you once again as The Frontiers returns to your homes! This January, as we celebrate the Feast of Saint Arnold Janssen on January 15, we are blessed also to mark a momentous milestone: 150 years since the foundation of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). This historic occasion invites us to reflect on the vision and mission of our founder, Saint Arnold, whose unwavering faith and missionary zeal gave birth to a global congregation dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel and building bridges of faith, hope, and love across cultures.

The theme for this milestone year, “Witnessing to the Light, From Everywhere for Everyone,” encapsulates the essence of Saint Arnold’s mission. He envisioned a world where the light of Christ transcends boundaries, reaching every corner of the earth and transforming lives. This vision remains at the heart of our work as we continue to respond to the call to be missionaries of the Word, bearing witness to God’s love in service to humanity.

Divine Word Missionaries

What Can You Offer?

Pray for the Mission and the Missionaries, Donations etc

About Us

Making a Difference in the World

The Society of the Divine Word (SVD) was founded by St. Arnold Janssen on September 8, 1875 in Steyl, a small village in Holland, just across the German border. The members of the society are called the missionaries of the Divine Word and are commonly known as SVDs. “God’s loving grace has gathered us from various peoples and continents into a religious missionary community dedicated to the Divine Word and named after him the Society of the Divine Word” (Prologue of the SVD Constitutions). The members are also known as Styler Missionaries. From the humble beginning the Society of the Divine Word has proliferated and today there are more than 6000 members from different countries spreading the Good News in more than 84 countries in all five continents.


  • Primary Evangelization
  • Education
  • Health care
  • Biblical Pastoral Ministry
  • Mass Media Communication
  • Socio-Economic Development
  • Ministry to the migrants, street children and differently abled children and more….
  • Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
Years of Missionary Service
Major Seminaries
+ Major Seminarians
+ Lay Mission Partner groups

Meet Our Team


What Do They Say About Us?

Our World Mission

Explore the details of our World Mission

Through our love of Christ and our commitment to mission, we live among the poor and marginalised and work to bring healing, hope and dignity to those in need.